Planning side trips

I have a trip planned, but once I reach my destination how do I represent multiple side/day trips from my destination. If I add those day trips it changes my route. Thanks.

Similar to planning return trips, day trips from a home base are kinda a personal preference, too! If you don’t want these side/day activities to be added to your route, you can list them in your itinerary as unrouted waypoints.

I personally like this approach for organizing places I plan to check out when I’m staying somewhere for a few days before hitting the road again. The unrouted waypoints won’t be added to the driving route or included on the drive time/distance estimates, but you’ll still see them in your itinerary.

  1. Open your trip itinerary.

  2. Click or tap the downward arrow at the right of the waypoint card to expand the waypoint details and toggle to unrouted.

  3. After unrouting a waypoint from the route, your trip route will immediately update on the map to travel directly to the next routed waypoint. The unrouted waypoint will remain in your itinerary so you can easily refer back to it later.