How can I find and add the center of a town to my trip?

I am in the first stages of planning my trip. I tend to pick towns I want to spend time near, but have not yet picked a specific hotel, or other park or establishment.

I can not find a way to do this consistantly with Roadtrippers. When I search on a town, I usually get a list of hotels, things to see, etc., but not the town itself. I can see no filter to make this happen.

Is it possible, and how?

Hmm, if you search for a city or town, like “Telluride, CO”, you should see it at the top of the results.

It’s possible some smaller towns might not be rising up to the top of the search results and you’re just seeing POIs within the town instead. If that’s the case, feel free to get in touch with us at and we can look into surfacing towns you can’t see in results!

A workaround for any towns you’re having trouble finding is to zoom into the area on the map and drop a pin. You should see more city and town names display on the map as you zoom in closer, so once you see the one you’re looking for go ahead and drop a pin. You can learn how to drop a pin here.

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for reacting so late. I note that all but one of the towns in Nova Scotia I am interested in are not available. The odd things is, I can zoom to some towns on your map, and see the town with the text ´xxxx center´ but I can not select it.

Anyways, hoping you can help, here is the first batch of towns.

  1. Cape Breton Island
    a. Ingonish
    b. Baddeck
    c. Louisbourg
  2. Lunenburg
  3. Wolfville (Annapolis Valley)
  4. Annapolis Royal
  5. Shelburne
  6. Halifax
  7. Advocate Harbour

Also In Massachusetts, Concord (a large town) and Stockbridge do not turn up in the Search. The ‘West’ sister towns do, which is odd.

In the meantime, I have put the drop pins to good work. I only wish the custom name I enter was shown on the map with the pin.

Hey @Grant837 Good news, you should be able to find all these towns on the map now! Here’s Baddeck, for example:

Lastly, if you do set a custom name on any waypoints you’ve added by dropping a pin, you should see that custom name both in your itinerary and when you hover over the pin on the map.